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通讯地址: 珠海市香洲区梅华东路52号中山大学附属第五医院分子影像中心


李曼研究员毕业于南京农业大学(2005年获计算机工程与技术学士)、美国爱达荷大学(2007年获统计学硕士)和约翰斯霍普金斯大学(2015年获流行病学博士),曾任职于约翰斯霍普金斯大学(流行病学,博士后)和犹他大学(医学院,助理教授Tenure Track)。2019 入职中山大学附属第五医院,担任博士生导师。2021年开始任职生物样本库主任。2022 年开始兼任信息工程与数据中心主任。入选广东省“珠江人才计划”-青年拔尖人才,珠海市英才计划(三类),中山大学“百人计划”。主要学术兼职:广东省人类遗传资源保藏应用学会理事,BMC Medical Genomics编委。




1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,82000628,肾小球滤过率相关基因中罕见外显子突变促进慢性肾脏病进展的研究,2021/01-2023/12,主持

2. 校内基金,中山大学“百人计划”,2019/09-2021-12,主持



1. Yang M#,Song X, Zhang F, Li M*, Chang W, Wang Z et al. Spatial proteomiclandscape of primary and relapsed hepatocellular carcinoma reveals immuneescape characteristics in early relapse. Hepatology; 2024.

2. Song X#,Wei J, Li Y, Zhu W, Cai Z, Li M* et al. An integrative pan-canceranalysis of the molecular characteristics of dietary restriction in tumourmicroenvironment. eBioMedicine 2024; 102: 105078.

3. Song X#,Duan X#, He X, Wang Y, Li K, Li M* et al. Computer-aideddiagnosis of distal metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer by low-dose CTbased radiomics and deep learning signatures. Radiol Med 2024; 129: 239–251.

4. Jiang X#,Li X, Peng H, Li M*, Wang C*. Prognostic Value of Nighttime DoubleProduct in Nondialysis Chronic Kidney Disease with Hypertension. J Am HeartAssoc 2023; 12: e031627.

5. Li K#,Zhang S#, Hu Y#, Cai A#, Ao Y, Li M* etal. Radiomics Nomogram with Added Nodal Features Improves Treatment ResponsePrediction in Locally Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: AMulticenter Study. Ann Surg Oncol 2023; 30: 8231–8243.

6. Li P#,Li S, Liu S*, Li M*. Modified Nutrition Risk in the Critically ill scoreand mortality in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury. Nutr ClinPract 2023; 38: 1032–1044.

7. Cai Z#, Li P, Zhu W, Wei J, Lu J, Li M* et al.Metagenomic analysis reveals gut plasmids as diagnosis markers for colorectalcancer. Front Microbiol 2023; 14: 1130446.

8. Tong J#, Zeng Y, Xie J, Xiao K, Li M*, Cong L.Association between flavonoid and subclasses intake and metabolic associatedfatty liver disease in U.S. adults: Results from National Health and NutritionExamination Survey 2017-2018. Front Nutr 2022; 9: 1074494.

9. Hu Q#, Wang G#, Song X, Wan J, Li M, LiS*, Wang Y* et al. Machine Learning Based on MRI DWI Radiomics Features forPrognostic Prediction in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel) 2022; 14:3201.

10. Hu F#, Guo Y#, Lin J, Zeng Y, Li M*, CongL* et al. Association of serum uric acid levels with COVID-19 severity. BMCEndocr Disord 2021; 21: 97.

11. Hao Y#, Li X#, Zhu Y, Ke J, Li M*, WangC* et al. Effect of age and isolated systolic or diastolic hypertension ontarget organ damage in non-dialysis patients with chronic kidney disease. Aging(Albany NY) 2021; 13: 6144–6155.

12. Huang M#Li M#, Xiao F#,Pang P#, Liang J#, Tang T#, Pei D*, Tian L*,Xia J*, Jiang S*, Zhong N*, Shan H* et al. Preliminary evidence from a multicenter prospective observationalstudy of the safety and efficacy of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19. Natl Sci Rev 2020; 7: 1428–1436.

13. Huang M#, Tang T#, Pang P#Li M#,Ma R#, Lu J, Tian L, Pei D*, Xia J*, Jiang S*, Shan H* et al. Treating COVID-19 with Chloroquine. Journal ofMolecular Cell Biology2020; 12: 322–325.